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Embrace Leadership for Meaningful Transformation

Selecting executive leadership is a significant responsibility and an exceptional opportunity to drive meaningful change. At Aspire2, our dedication lies in supporting your organisation to maximise its leadership potential.

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Strategic Focus

Success begins with a shared vision grounded in the school’s mission, an objective assessment of the degree to which the school is living the mission, and an understanding of the community.

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Leadership Development

It is critical to enable leaders to have a clear and focused sense of who they are and how others experience them so that they can lead well, now and into the future.

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Talent Makes the Difference

Effective leadership begins with a strong leadership team. Aspire2 consultants leverage their extensive knowledge of independent school leadership to guide schools in identifying their specific needs and the essential leadership qualities necessary for success.

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How do we know we are choosing the right leader for our school?

“Thinking, Fast and Slow” by psychologist Daniel Kahneman is a cautionary tale that explores the dual systems of thinking that drive decision-making. Kahneman reveals human judgment’s strengths and pitfalls, highlighting common cognitive biases and errors, such as overconfidence and loss aversion.

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Rethinking Recruitment: Selecting In vs. Selecting Out for Leadership Roles

Making decisions regarding the appointment of leaders in schools is a critical task with profound implications. While many decisions turn out to be sound, there are instances where appointing the wrong candidate can have detrimental effects on the school and its community. 

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